목천건축아카이브는 재단법인 목천문화재단이 진행하는 주요 건축문화기반사업이다. 비영리법인과 건축가, 건축학자들의 자발적인 모임으로, 한국의 근·현대 건축기록물을 수집·보존·활용하는 역할을 한다. 2010년부터 건축가의 구술채록사업과 건축가, 건축물 단위의 기록물 수집 활동을 진행하고 있으며 이를 토대로 연구, 출간, 세미나, 비평 활동을 진행하고 있다. 수집물 보존과 활용에 중점을 두어 연구자들에게 자료를 공급하며 연구에 기반이 되는 지식환경을 제공하여 한국현대건축사 구축에 밑거름이 되고자 한다.
In general, architecture reflects its own social circumstances and the maturity of its culture. Since the 1970s, when the focus of the Korea was on industrial development, construction of new buildings was deemed far more important than recording the various traits of existing old buildings.
The culture of archiving, the very foundation of the written history, became a neglected realm. As a result, even today, when South Korea emerges as an international economic powerhouse, absent is a historical framework with which we can comprehend monuments and buildings from the past era of swift social, political, economic, and technological changes.
Architecture archive is a collection of architectural records that have been selected for their historical significance in production and operation. It promotes a dialogue between the past and present material worlds, and the culture of architecture that creates them.
Mokchon Architecture Archive, established in 2010, is dedicated to collecting and preserving important architectural records of Korea that have been produced since the twentieth century. With the aim th establish and continue a systematic production of archive collections, its broad scope of activities includes oral history projects, preservation and digitalization of archival materials, and the distribution of major materials through online access, publications, exhibitions, symposia, and research projects. The materials and wisdoms gathered through these activities will build a firm cultural platform for architecture, which will enable us to see our built environment with a clear historical consciousness.
20세기 한국건축기록물의 수집과 보존의 필요성
건축문화자산에 대한 사회적 인식확산
미래한국건축의 연구와 창작에 기여
우리나라 최초의 민간건축아카이브 기관
Collecting and preserving architecture related materials of Korea produced since the 20th century
Spreading social awareness of the value of architectural culture
Contributing to future research on Korean architecture, and ultimately the construction of an ideal built environment
목천건축아카이브 운영위원회
배형민, 서울시립대학교
전봉희, 서울대학교
우동선, 한국예술종합학교
최원준, 숭실대학교
2010. 한국현대건축의 기록, 건축가 아카이브
2011.06. 목천건축아카이브 개소식 및 기증식
2013.05. 목천건축자료관 구축
원로건축가의 구술채록 및 대담집 출간
건축가, 건축물에 대한 자료수집
현대한국건축 이슈에 관한 연구 및 학술행사
건축아카이브 프로세스에 관한 사례연구
해외 아카이브 기관과의 교류
Operating oral history interviews with senior architects, and building a collection of their archival materials
Publishing papers/books based on archive materials
Digitalizing archive materials for easy access and research
Operating a web-site for architecture archives
Supporting architecture research communities
Promoting cooperation among international architecture archivesICAM21 Conference, Architecture Museum of the Technical University of Munich, September 6-11, 2022